The Dowry and Indian Society-Black Spot on India's Development and Education System

Dowry System-I am not aware where does these all started and i failed in finding that where all this stated in the vedas and Sastra,If it exists then I'll not hesitate in saying that I'll leave following "Sanatan Dharma" and if not where all these "hypocrites" are???Who always claims that they are the real Follower of the Religion,
However in reality it's not an matter of religion but it's an matter of society,No one knows where does this dowry system started but dowry still exists in the Indian Society and not only among the Uneducated society of India,But it's more in the Educated society of India.

I Rarely attend any Marriage ceremony and in last 4 years i have attended only one,But whoever talks about the marriage ceremony never forgets to talk about the dowry,i remember last year one of my friend was talking about one of the marriage ceremony and as usual he didn't forget to mention what was given in the Dowry "A Car","10 Lakh Cash" obviously the family was educated you can't think about this as dowry by an Uneducated Family,Whenever I hear anything about Marriage i have to hear the word "Dowry".

And really it's shameful that Dowry system still exists in India,and we the "Hypocrites" who talk about eliminating this social evil never tried to do so,Last year when Aamir Khan talked about this topic on his show it was an Hot topic but after that What???
Nothing........ we Love to adjust with social evils as usual,We still Give it,Take it.

Marriage is not an Ceremony now it's an Marketplace where we sell the Boys With Auction,Who Gives the More,gets the boy..... i am from north India let me tell you the rate-
A police Wala-2.5-3.5 Lakh,With Two-Wheeler
A Soldier-3 to 3.5 Lakh with Two Wheeler
A Clerk-3 to 4 Lakh with Two Wheeler

A Private worker-2 to 3lakh with two wheeler
A Engineer-5 to 25 Lakh with Four Wheeler(Depends on the Income)

A Doctor-10 to 30 Lakh sometimes even more then this(Depends on the income)
A IAS/IPS-Sometimes they marry an IAS/IPS no problem as they will earn too much otherwise from 10 to 35 Lakh.
There are always some exception.,The more the money you have the better you will get.

Facts About Dowry-
2010-8391 Dowry Death cases were reported in India whereas in 2010 it was only 6995.
I thought the Education will eliminate the Social Evil but it's not the case.

The truth is that in every case the half of population of India is suffering and we are sleeping,they are burnt Alive we are silent,they suicide we are silent,they are humillated every day we are silent.And the most sad thing is that very rarely someone gets punishment and the more worst thing is that sometimes the parents of the Woman compromise after her death, i remember when i was child a Lady was burnt alive by his Mother-in-Law and Brother-in-Law in the morning a case was registered against them but later the parents compromised after taking 3 lakh cash.

So,This is our Reality,First we sell the Boys and after the death of Girl we sell them too,The biggest Marketplace and everyone is silent.
We are the Living Dead,It's better to Be uneducated then being an Educated Uneducated.

मेरे हाथ काट डालो
मेरे हाथ काट डालो
में हूँ एक ग़रीब घर की बेटी
आओ मेरे हाथो में मेहन्दी रचाओ
मेरी माँग भरो मुझे दुलहन बनाओ
और अगर यह सब कुछ भी नही कर सकते
तो इक उपकार करो !
मेरा गला घोंट दो
मेरे हाथ काट डालो ………… !
तो शायद मेहंदी से अच्छा रंग चढ़ेगा
समाज में मेरा नाम होगा
लोग कहेंगे इक अबला
किस्मत की बलि चढ़गई
मरने के बाद मेरी
इज़्ज़्त बढ गई , वरना
माँ-बाप को बेच कर शादी कराती
फिर भी सुसराल वालों की नीयत न भरती
रात दिन मार पीट कर वो सताते
दहेज न लाने के ताने सुनाते
फिर म्हंगे भाव की करोसिन लाते
और मारने का मुझ को प्लान बनाते
कहते हम फिर से घर बसाएगें
ज़्यादा दहेज वाली दुल्हन लाएगें
और इक अबला दहेज की बलि चढ़ जाती
इस लिए कहती हूँ ……………….!
इस से पहले मेरे दिल में कोई इच्छा जागे
कोई उमंग उठे या
हाथों में मेहंदी का ख्वाब देखु
मेरा गला घोंट दो मेरे हाथ काट डालो !