If Popularity is measured in Numbers of people attending Funeral

Funerals of some leaders-

Conjeevaram Natarajan Annadurai(Born on 15 September 1909 -Died on 3 February 1969)
Turnout: 1.5 crore People
He was the First non-Congress CM to form a government without any support from other parties,However,He died of cancer in just two tears and served an the CM of Tamilnadu for two years only.His Funeral on 
February 4, 1969 was attended by 1.5 Crore people which is still an world Record.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi(October 1869 - 30 January 1948)
Turnout: 25 lakh
Mahatma gandhi Funeral was attended by about 25 Lakh people However he was The most popular leader of that time. However, the number of people who lined up along the roads and railway tracks as the Mahatma’s ashes were taken to being scattered in River Ganga is far greater.

Jawaharlal Nehru(14 November 1889 - 27 May 1964)
Turnout: Over 22 lakh
The body of Jawaharlal Nehru, who led India as Prime Minister for 17 years, was cremated on May 28, 1964 in front of 2 lakh people besides River Yamuna. The entire funeral procession was, however, attended by over 20 lakh people.

Y S Rajsekhara Reddy(8 July 1949 - 2 September 2009)
Turnout: About 10 lakh
Affectionately called YSR by the people of Andhra Pradesh, the Congressman’s untimely death in a helicopter crash threw the state administration and politics completely out of gear.

N T Rama Rao(28 May 1923 - 18 January 1996)
Turnout: About 10 lakh
The popular Telugu leader was a film actor, director, producer, and politician who also served as Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister thrice. The founder of Telegu Desam Party (TDP) died of a massive cardiac arrest in 18 January 1996, months after he was overthrown by his son-in-law Chandrababu Naidu in an internal coup.

Melakkath Gopalan Ramachandran(17 January 1917 - 24 December 1987)
Turnout: About 10 lakh
MGR was a legendary actor, director, producer, and politician who also served as the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister for three successive terms. His death sparked off a frenzy of looting and rioting across the state. The violence left 29 people dead, while 30 others were reported to have committed suicide.

The Dowry and Indian Society-Black Spot on India's Development and Education System

Dowry System-I am not aware where does these all started and i failed in finding that where all this stated in the vedas and Sastra,If it exists then I'll not hesitate in saying that I'll leave following "Sanatan Dharma" and if not where all these "hypocrites" are???Who always claims that they are the real Follower of the Religion,
However in reality it's not an matter of religion but it's an matter of society,No one knows where does this dowry system started but dowry still exists in the Indian Society and not only among the Uneducated society of India,But it's more in the Educated society of India.

I Rarely attend any Marriage ceremony and in last 4 years i have attended only one,But whoever talks about the marriage ceremony never forgets to talk about the dowry,i remember last year one of my friend was talking about one of the marriage ceremony and as usual he didn't forget to mention what was given in the Dowry "A Car","10 Lakh Cash" obviously the family was educated you can't think about this as dowry by an Uneducated Family,Whenever I hear anything about Marriage i have to hear the word "Dowry".

And really it's shameful that Dowry system still exists in India,and we the "Hypocrites" who talk about eliminating this social evil never tried to do so,Last year when Aamir Khan talked about this topic on his show it was an Hot topic but after that What???
Nothing........ we Love to adjust with social evils as usual,We still Give it,Take it.

Marriage is not an Ceremony now it's an Marketplace where we sell the Boys With Auction,Who Gives the More,gets the boy..... i am from north India let me tell you the rate-
A police Wala-2.5-3.5 Lakh,With Two-Wheeler
A Soldier-3 to 3.5 Lakh with Two Wheeler
A Clerk-3 to 4 Lakh with Two Wheeler

A Private worker-2 to 3lakh with two wheeler
A Engineer-5 to 25 Lakh with Four Wheeler(Depends on the Income)

A Doctor-10 to 30 Lakh sometimes even more then this(Depends on the income)
A IAS/IPS-Sometimes they marry an IAS/IPS no problem as they will earn too much otherwise from 10 to 35 Lakh.
There are always some exception.,The more the money you have the better you will get.

Facts About Dowry-
2010-8391 Dowry Death cases were reported in India whereas in 2010 it was only 6995.
I thought the Education will eliminate the Social Evil but it's not the case.

The truth is that in every case the half of population of India is suffering and we are sleeping,they are burnt Alive we are silent,they suicide we are silent,they are humillated every day we are silent.And the most sad thing is that very rarely someone gets punishment and the more worst thing is that sometimes the parents of the Woman compromise after her death, i remember when i was child a Lady was burnt alive by his Mother-in-Law and Brother-in-Law in the morning a case was registered against them but later the parents compromised after taking 3 lakh cash.

So,This is our Reality,First we sell the Boys and after the death of Girl we sell them too,The biggest Marketplace and everyone is silent.
We are the Living Dead,It's better to Be uneducated then being an Educated Uneducated.

मेरे हाथ काट डालो
मेरे हाथ काट डालो
में हूँ एक ग़रीब घर की बेटी
आओ मेरे हाथो में मेहन्दी रचाओ
मेरी माँग भरो मुझे दुलहन बनाओ
और अगर यह सब कुछ भी नही कर सकते
तो इक उपकार करो !
मेरा गला घोंट दो
मेरे हाथ काट डालो ………… !
तो शायद मेहंदी से अच्छा रंग चढ़ेगा
समाज में मेरा नाम होगा
लोग कहेंगे इक अबला
किस्मत की बलि चढ़गई
मरने के बाद मेरी
इज़्ज़्त बढ गई , वरना
माँ-बाप को बेच कर शादी कराती
फिर भी सुसराल वालों की नीयत न भरती
रात दिन मार पीट कर वो सताते
दहेज न लाने के ताने सुनाते
फिर म्हंगे भाव की करोसिन लाते
और मारने का मुझ को प्लान बनाते
कहते हम फिर से घर बसाएगें
ज़्यादा दहेज वाली दुल्हन लाएगें
और इक अबला दहेज की बलि चढ़ जाती
इस लिए कहती हूँ ……………….!
इस से पहले मेरे दिल में कोई इच्छा जागे
कोई उमंग उठे या
हाथों में मेहंदी का ख्वाब देखु
मेरा गला घोंट दो मेरे हाथ काट डालो !

Birsa Munda-The Forgotten Hero of India

Today is 15th november,the day when a Great Leader born in a Tribal Family of India,But rarely someone remembers him, and Really saying very few know about him.He is not an part of a Popular culture,he is not inspiration for the Indians like other Revolutionaries and leaders,I Have never heard about him by any Leader,He does not have any recognition on this Popular Internet.But still he is god for the Tribals!
He was Just 25 years old when he dies Fighting against the Britishers,he bacame the leader of tribals at the age of 20!

Birsa Munda

Birsa Munda was born on Thursday 15 November 1875 in ranchi,His Brother was converted to Christianity before his birth and later he was also converted to Christianity,But later he observed that instead of improving his life,it was going worst and worst day by day he realized that this have destroyed his culture,Until that thousands of Mundas were converted to Christianity then the Great Martyr Birsa munda at the age of 20 in 1895 rebelled to Christianity and became an Munda again and became an Vaishnav,During this period he revolted many times and asked his tribals o worship only one God and give up worshipping a number of bongas. He gave stress on purity, austerity and prohibited cow- slaughters.
He declared himself an Prophet who had came here to help the people to get back the Lost kingdom,and said that the reign of the Queen Victoria was over and the Munda Raj had begun. And ordered to the raiyats to pay no rents, as their lands were free.

Mundas used to call him "Dharati Aba" the Father of earth,later a rumor was spread that the Non-believers of Mundas will be massacred and he was arrested and imprisioned for 2 years.
After released from jail Birsa had no problems in reorganizing the movement. As a matter of strategy he went with his followers to Chutia on 28 January 1898 to collect the record or rights and re-establish racial links with the temple there. He said that the temple belonged to the Kols in ancient times. The Christian missionaries were unnerved as   Birsa had become the biggest stumbling block in their path of conversion. So they were all out to stop and punish him. His followers were arrested. Birsa went underground for two years.

During this period he visited Jagarnathpur temple. He attended a series of secret meetings and practiced the traditional ritual of throwing arrows. By the end of 1899 Birsa , the messiah reappeared with magical powers to invigorate his followers, the Birsaits. Birsa Munda’s longtime companion a Munda woman Sali was instrumental in organizing the women in this movement. It is said that 7000 men  and women assembled around Christmas of  1899 heralding the revolution which soon spread to Khunti, Tamar, Basia and Ranchi. The Anglican Mission at Murhu and the Roman Catholic Mission, Sarwada was the main target. The Birsaits openly declared that the real enemies were only the Saheb Log and the Christian Mundas would not be touched.  It was January 5, 1900. The entire Munda community was up in arms. Gaya Munda and his men cut two constables to pieces at Etkedih. On 7 January the Birsait crowed attacked Khunti Police station, killed a constable and razed the house of local shopkeepers.

The revolt rocked the British administration to the extent that the commissioner declared a reward of Rs 500 for the arrest of Birsa. Subsequently British forces attacked heavily on  Munda warriors congregated at  " Dumbari Hill " and made indiscriminate firing like that of  "Jaliyan Wala Bagh " and killed several hundred people. The whole hill was littered with dead human corpses. After Brutal slaughter the dead bodies were thrown into the deep gorges and ravines of the hill. Many of the wounded were buried alive. According to an editorial published on March 25, 1900, The Statesman, put the toll at 400. However, the then administration suppressed the fact and claimed that only eleven persons were killed and nine insured in two firings on January 7 and January 9, 1900. Fear and panic show spread over the area that "Dombari” was named by Mundas  as " Topped Buru "  - the mound of dead.
Birsa anyhow escaped to the hills of Singhbhum,He was arrested while he was sleeping at  Jamkopai  forest in Chakradharpur on March 3, 1900.
Birsa Munda died in the jail on 9th June 1900. His dead body is reported to have been criminated near the distillery bridge Kokar ( Ranchi ).  People say, actually Birsa was buried under the bridge (In 1900 there was no bridge). According to the Locals he was poisoned as the British Rule had no guts to execute him publicly.

This was the Last heroic act by the tribals in the 19th century,He is still an Inspiration for the thousands of tribals in Jharkhand,However for Indians he is...................??????
The Place where he died is in the same condition as the Death places of other Revolutionaries are-No Recognition,and might be there will be some Mall in the coming years as in the Jail he died is of no use now.

He Said “Our land is blowing away as the dust blows away in the storm"-Birsa Munda.

India is an free Country,the Biggest Democracy of World However no one remembers him,Birsa Munda Fought for the Ashes of his Ancestors,For His Culture,To save his identity,to save his land.
Did the life of tribals have changed in India after 112 years of death of the the Great Martyr Birsa Munda?You should think about this,According to Indian Government more then 2 Lakhs Crore has been spend on the tribals of India since freedom but their life is going worst day by day in previous 30 years,Reality is that still they have no Representations in parliament,No one think about them,their land is captured in the name of development.

जिधर भी देखो काश्मीर शमशान सरीखा दिखता था,

जिधर भी देखो काश्मीर शमशान सरीखा दिखता था,
मानवता का नाम वहाँ पर फीका-फीका दिखता था।

मूलनिवासी पंडितों ने वहाँ हैवानीयत को देखा है,
आज भी उनकी आँखों से बहती उस दर्द की रेखा है।

माँ-बहनें बाजारों में निर्वस्त्र दौड़ाई जाती थीं,
जहाँ भी हिंदू दिखता था, तलवार चलाई जाती थी।

मंदिर तोड़े जाते थे, बस्तीयाँ जलाई जाती थीं,
भारत माँ को देकर गाली शान दिखाई जाती थी।

आज भी उसी काश्मीर में भारत माँ शर्मिंदा हैं,
माँ को छलनी करने वाले दैत्य अभी तक जिंदा हैं।

पाकिस्तानी नारे गाते जिनके होंठ नहीं थकते,
जिनको भारत माता की आँखों के आँसू नहीं दिखते।

जो मेरी माता का आँचल नोच रहे हैं फाड़ रहे,
जो रह-रह कर माता के सीने में खंजर गाड़ रहे।

क्यों ना उनके हाथों के टुकड़े सहस्त्र कर डालूँ मैं,
क्यों ना उनको जीवित ही इस धरती में दफ़ना दूँ मैं।

Quotes by Goparaju Ramachandra Rao

Because morality is a social necessity, the moment faith in god is banished, man's gaze turns from god to man and he becomes socially conscious. Religious belief prevented the growth of a sense of realism. But atheism at once makes man realistic and alive to the needs of morality.
--(Shri Goparaju Ramachandra Rao, 1902-1975), "Atheism and Morality" in Atheism Questions and Answers.

Human problems are more psychological than materialistic. This is not only true of individual behaviour, but in mass action also. A suggestion from a leader sparks off a revolution. Material circumstances help mass action, but in themselves do not raise action. The conditions of untouchability and of poverty in India, especially at the time of famine in Bengal in 1945-46, when thousands of destitutes died of sheer hunger in the streets of Calcutta City, are such as would provoke an immediate revolution. But the revolution does not come off in the Indian masses. The reason is clear. In India there are revolutionary circumstances, but there is no revolutionary consciousness among the people. If the revolutionary consciousness is present, people would revolt against any injustice on the slightest pretext. And consciousness is essentially psychological.
"Switzerland" in An Atheist Around The World

Further, economic systems ... have never arranged themselves by themselves. It is men who do the ordering according to their attitudes, desires and understanding of things. Changes take place, not independent of man's will, but on account of man's wills. Civilization has progressed by man's interference with material conditions.
Atheism Questions and Answers

Right wins only when we dare and act.(Futile Talk, January, 1973)

The love of individual freedom has stood in the way of the appreciation of social obligations.

Who takes the blame: the leader who talks of poverty but lives in luxury, or the poor who choose a leader of that type?(Futile Talk, January, 1973)

Changes take place, not independent of man's will, but on account of man's wills. Civilization has progressed by man's interference with material conditions.

We respect law, when the law respects our needs.

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Contribution in Building the Modern India

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel is one of the Most Popular Leaders of India who is respected by almost every one in India,He was one of those Leaders who participated in the Freedom Struggle Actively and has contributed a lot in Building the Modern India,Mostly he is respected by us Indians because of his contribution after the Independence.
He is one of the Followers of Mahatma Gandhi who always shown his Faith in Mahatma and followed his path till he lived,Sardar patel actively participated in Champaran,Kheda Satygraha's and in almost every Movement which is led by Mahatma Gandhi.
But as i said he is More popular because of his work after the Independence of India,He was the First Deputy PM of India.
We have shared some of his Words on Various occasions.
Sardar Patel was considered to be a statesman of integrity with the practical acumen capable of Solving any problem.Once Mahatma Gandhi Said to him "the problem of the States is so difficult that you alone can solve it".
He was the person who merged more then 550 Princely Ruled States in the union of India but still some of the large states were missing and Sardar patel wish was that they must Join the union of India.

Junagadh and Patel-Junagadh was located in coastal area of Gujarat which was the Home state of Sardar patel,Although Junagadh was far away from Pakistan in every aspect and it was almost impossible for pakistan to rule their but as it was an state ruled by an Muslim Prince,the Prince agreed to join Pakistan but about the Majority of Population was Hindu about 96% which created an huge problem for the the Prince and also the one of the most important Hindu temple was Located in Junagadh,But later due to an Mass protest against the accession of Junagadh to pakistan,Later Sardar Patel Sent the Indian Army to occupy Junagadh. 

15 Aug 1947 Accedes to Pakistan.
15 Sep 1947 Accession to Pakistan accepted.
9 Nov 1947 Occupied by India.
10 Nov 1947 Rescinds accession to Pakistan, accedes to India
24 Feb 1948 Referendum approves accession to India.
25 Feb 1948 Accession to India in effect.

Hyderabad and Patel-Hyderabad was one of the biggest Princely ruled state in India,but the Muslim Nizam ruling Hyderabad didn't agreed on Merging the state with the Union of India,Later Sardar patel ordered the Indian Army to Attack on the States and to occupt it to merge it with India,the Indian Army successfully occupied the State in the Operation polo(Name given to the operation).

Lakshadweep Islands and Patel-The island was undoubtedly cut off from the Main stream India and they got the news of Independence of India Days Later the 15th August but as The Majority of Population was of Muslims there was an chance that Pakistan can claim the island on the ground of Population but the problem was that it was far away from Pakistan,But to save the Island from pakistan, Sardar patel sent Indian Navy their to Hoist the Indian Flag on the Island,later it's claimed that pakistan Navy attempted to capture the Island but they returned after seeing the Indian Flag on the Island.

Kashmir and Sardar Patel-He always played an important role in merging the states in India,and he was too aggressive regarding this but in case of kashmir he waited till the kashmir Rulers agrees on the merging of states with the union of India,Later he payed an important Role and helped the Defense minister Baldev Singh in arranging the troops and managing them in kashmir.

He played an important role in the Constitution assembly too,and it's believed that Sardar Patel was the person in appointing Dr. Ambedkar as the Chairman of Drafting the Constitution Assembly.

One of the Great Leader of India.

Quotes by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

Vallabhbhai Patel
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel on hyderabad-
Read the Quotes Here by Sardar Patel